About Us

Pariksha Kendra is a website related to education independent & free education work. The website Parikshakendra.in with both the effort and purpose of bringing together almost all types of information and information related to education on a single platform. The main objective of Parikshakendra.in is to provide correct and accurate information related to education by making all of you, especially the youth, aware of education. 

Presently you can get school board, college admission, entrance exam, and government job information in English language from parikshakendra.in. Apart from this, you can also read essays, speeches, poems, etc. on various topics along with daily current affairs. You can also download NCERT Solutions and NCERT Books from here. You can take advantage of all our services absolutely free of cost. We want that the visitors of parikshakendra.in can get all kinds of education-related information at the right time.                            

To fulfill your goal of independent education, parikshakendra.in will continue to provide you with information related to education, so that you can ace your school board exams, college admission entrance exams, or competitive government job exams as well as life exams. Always be on top number.  

You can contact usApart from this, you can also connect with www.parikshakendra.in through its official social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, and Youtube).